Welcome to Spring! 🌱
We’ve experienced a drastic transition into Spring this year. If you’re a migraine sufferer, this transition has likely been a tough one. Common triggers for migraines include hormonal changes, specific foods or food additives, weather changes, medications, specific stimuli (such as bright lights, loud sounds, or strong smells) or intense physical activity. The season change from winter to spring seems to be the worst of the weather changes for most people.
Below are 3 easy tricks you can try at home to prevent a migraine if you begin to feel one coming on.

1. Drink 1-2 cups of caffeinated coffee.
Caffeine has a number of effects on the body. It is thought to block a specific receptor in the brain (called adenosine receptors) involved in the perception of pain, resulting in pain suppression. By affecting a neurotransmitter (nervous system messenger) called dopamine, it may also cause mood changes that modify the brain’s perception of pain. Dopamine is sometimes termed a “feel-good” neurotransmitter. When we feel good, we tend to feel less pain. Other research shows that caffeine may have an anti-inflammatory effect in brain tissue.

2. Try hydrotherapy! Once seated, apply a cold wet compress to the back of the neck and place your feet in a warm foot bath. Relax in this position for 15-20 minutes while doing deep breathing.
The combination of cold and warm water applied to different parts of the body alters the direction of blood flow in a migraine. Usually when you’re experiencing a migraine, blood flow is directed toward the brain because there is an inflammatory process going on and the body wants to address it. The increased blood flow to the brain can result in more suffering, as more inflammatory components are brought to the brain. By applying a cold compress to the back of the neck and placing the feet in a warm foot back, blood flow is directed towards the feet and away from the head. In some people, this can prevent a full-blown migraine attack. Use caution with this treatment if you tend to get dizzy easily or if you have blood pressure or heart abnormalities.

3. Apply diluted lavender or peppermint essential oil to the forehead or add to a diffuser.
⭐️Caution: Avoid contact with eyes and never apply undiluted essential oils directly to your skin.
Both lavender and peppermint essential oils have been shown to reduce pain, nausea, and photophobia associated with migraines. You can purchase these essential oils already diluted or dilute them yourself in a skin-safe oil.
I hope these tips can help migraine sufferers rejoice over Spring's arrival!
Have questions about how to control your migraines? Schedule a Complementary Discovery Session and we'll chat about what your best next steps are to move forward with your health.